53 Social Media Quotes

53 Social Media Quotes and Sayings from Pros

How do you use social media for your business?

Are you considering using social media to promote your business?

53 Social Media Quotes and Sayings from Pros

Social media can really help businesses to increase their online presence if and only if used with proper etiquette. I heard many business owners just think that social media can increase the number of sales even if they are beginner on social media. I also came across many business owners who say how many sales I can get in one day using social media from the scratch. I got fed up when I interact with such kind of people and always tell them that social media is not a selling platform, it is about building relationship and trust with people to make them customer and then turn them into marketing volunteer army.

Here is an awesome quote by Jay Baer [Tweet “”The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army.” – Jay Baer”]

Therefore, I have collected 50 quotes and insights about social media, content marketing, social selling, Facebook advertising, blogging that will give you clear picture of how and what to do with social media for business.

Explore the quotes and sayings from fabulous social media pros to understand how social media actually works:

1. “Ads in the News Feed get way better conversions than ads on the right column.” – Amy Porterfield
[Tweet “Ads in the News Feed get way better conversions than ads on the right column.” – @AmyPorterfield via @navneetsau #facebookads”]
2. “When you say it – it’s marketing. When they say it – its social proof.” – Andy Crestodina
[Tweet “”When you say it – it’s marketing. When they say it – its social proof.” – @crestodina via @navneetsau”]
3.”Research shows that social media is comprised of two components: social and media.” – Brian Carter

[Tweet “”Research shows that #socialmedia is comprised of two components: social and media.” – @briancarter via @navneetsau”]

4. “The best content spreads by itself.” – Brian Clark

[Tweet “”The best content spreads by itself.” – @brianclark via @navneetsau #contentmarketing “]

5. “If your competitors start copying you then you are doing something right!” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”If your competitors start copying you then you are doing something right!” – @JayBaer via @navneetsau #marketing”]

6. “Kids are using social media the RIGHT way. They’re using it to communicate.” – Ted Rubin

[Tweet “”Kids are using #socialmedia the RIGHT way. They’re using it to communicate.” – @TedRubin via @navneetsau”]

7. “Businesses do not have emotion. Humans do.” – Bryan Kramer

[Tweet “”Businesses do not have emotion. Humans do.” – @bryankramer via @navneetsau #digitalmarketing “]

8. “If what you are saying doesn’t add value they won’t listen to you.” – Marcus Sheridan

[Tweet “”If what you are saying doesn’t add value they won’t listen to you.” – @thesaleslion via @navneetsau “]

9. “Facebook is an investment, not a free place to post your stuff.” – Amy Porterfield

[Tweet “”Facebook is an investment, not a free place to post your stuff.” – @amyporterfield via @navneetsau #FacebookMarketing”]

10. “Never build your content ship on rented land.” – Joe Pulizzi

[Tweet “”Never build your content ship on rented land.” – @joepulizzi via @navneetsau #contentmarketing “]

11. “Content that helps is superior to content that sells.” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”Content that helps is superior to content that sells.” – @jaybaer via @navneetsau #contentmarketing”]

12. “Stop chasing the Facebook algorithm. Facebook ads work.” – Jon Loomer

[Tweet “”Stop chasing the Facebook algorithm. #Facebookads work.” – @jonloomer via @navneetsau “]

13. “Where do most go to complain about a company/brand? TWITTER. Conversations are happening whether you are there or not.” – Kim Garst

[Tweet “”Where do most go to complain about a company/brand? TWITTER. Conversations are happening whether you are there or not.” – @KimGarst”]

14. “There is no more B2B or B2C. It’s H2H – Human to Human.” – Bryan Kramer

[Tweet “”There is no more B2B or B2C. It’s H2H – Human to Human.” – @bryankramer via @navneetsau”]

15. “You earn influence by giving value and attention to other people. BE USEFUL!” – Laura Fitton

[Tweet “”You earn influence by giving value and attention to other people. BE USEFUL!” – @pistachio via @navneetsau #marketing “]

16. “Text is the gateway drug to real time marketing.” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”Text is the gateway drug to real time marketing.” – @JayBaer via @navneetsau #digitalmarketing “]

17. “Brands need to start focusing on building relationships and trust instead of counting quantity.” – Lee Odden

[Tweet “”Brands need to start focusing on building relationships and trust instead of counting quantity.” – @leeodden via @navneetsau”]

18. “You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog – it’s about the lure – not the rod.” – Michael Hyatt

[Tweet “”You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog – it’s about the lure – not the rod.” – @MichaelHyatt via @navneetsau”]

19. “People love to be recognized and feel that they matter. Recognize them for engaging.” – Mari Smith

[Tweet “”People love to be recognized and feel that they matter. Recognize them for engaging.” – @MariSmith via @navneetsau”]

20. “We are in the business of listening, communicating, teaching and helping.” – Marcus Sheridan

[Tweet “”We are in the business of listening, communicating, teaching and helping.” – @thesaleslion via @navneetsau”]

21. “Get rid of your testimonials page. You want to put your testimonials all over your website!” – Andy Crestodina

[Tweet “”Get rid of your testimonials page. You want to put your testimonials all over your website!” – @crestodina via @navneetsau”]

22. “85% of corporate blogs have less than 5 posts.” – Joe Pulizzi

[Tweet “”85% of corporate blogs have less than 5 posts.” – @JoePulizzi via @navneetsau #blogging #contentmarketing”]

23. “Facebook sales funnel starts with highly relevant fans. Stop taking shortcuts.” – Jon Loomer

[Tweet “”Facebook sales funnel starts with highly relevant fans. Stop taking shortcuts.” – @JonLoomer via @navneetsau #facebookads”]

24. “Smart companies realize that social media is about people, not logos.” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”Smart companies realize that #socialmedia is about people, not logos.” – @JayBaer via @navneetsau”]

25. “Use landing pages instead of Facebook tab apps. That’s the future.” – Amy Porterfield

[Tweet “”Use landing pages instead of Facebook tab apps. That’s the future.” – @AmyPorterfield via @navneetsau #facebookmarketing”]

26. “Power doesn’t come from CONTENT, power comes from content that MOVES.” – Mark Schaefer

[Tweet “26. “Power doesn’t come from CONTENT, power comes from content that MOVES.” – @markwschaefer via @navneetsau #contentmarketing “]

27. “Align your visual voice with your audience and your brand identity.” – Neal Schaffer

[Tweet “”Align your visual voice with your audience and your brand identity.” – @nealschaffer via @navneetsau #visualcontent”]

28. “Find your sweet spot: the intersection between what you know & what your customers need to know.” – Joe Pulizzi

[Tweet “”Find your sweet spot: the intersection between what you know & what your customers need to know.” – @JoePulizzi”]

29. “If your message is for everybody, than your message is for nobody.” – Michael Hyatt

[Tweet “”If your message is for everybody, than your message is for nobody.” – @MichaelHyatt via @navneetsau #marketing”]

30. “How often should you publish blog content? As often as you can be amazing.” – Brian Clark

[Tweet “”How often should you publish blog content? As often as you can be amazing.” – @brianclark via @navneetsau #blogging”]

31. “People love brands that communicate with them as human beings!” – Ted Rubin

[Tweet “”People love brands that communicate with them as human beings!” – @TedRubin”]

32. “Address the questions of your clients and prospects…or not. Someone will.” – Marcus Sheridan

[Tweet “”Address the questions of your clients and prospects…or not. Someone will.” – @thesaleslion via @navneetsau #digitalmarketing”]

33. “The average blog post reader spends 3 minutes, podcasters listen for 45 minutes.” – Michael Stelzner

[Tweet “”The average blog post reader spends 3 minutes, podcasters listen for 45 minutes.” – Mike_Stelzner via @navneetsau #blogging”]

34. “Build with advocacy, follow with influence. Your employees are your biggest brand advocates.” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”Build with advocacy, follow with influence. Your employees are your biggest brand advocates.” – @JayBaer via @navneetsau”]

35. “Ask what you can do for influencers, not what influencers can do for you – develop relationships!” – Laura Fitton

[Tweet “”Ask what you can do for influencers, not what influencers can do for you – develop relationships!” – @pistachio”]

36. “Use Optimized CPM. You’ll reach the people that matter.” – Jon Loomer

[Tweet “”Use Optimized CPM. You’ll reach the people that matter.” – @JonLoomer via @navneetsau”]

37. “Make the customer the hero of your brand’s story.” – Simon Mainwaring

[Tweet “”Make the customer the hero of your brand’s story.” – @simonmainwaring”]

38. “When you connect with influencers and use their content, you build your own influence as well.” – Lee Odden

[Tweet “”When you connect with influencers and use their #content, you build your own influence as well.” – @LeeOdden via @navneetsau #marketing”]

39. “Your content, engagement and conversion should go in 4 phases: core, build up, promotion and follow up.” – Mari Smith

[Tweet “”Your content, engagement and conversion should go in 4 phases: core, build up, promotion and follow up.” – @MariSmith”]

40. “How do you become an expert? First, claim the name. Next, spend the rest of your life proving it.” – Viveka von Rosen

[Tweet “”How do you become an expert? First, claim the name. Next, spend the rest of your life proving it.” – @LinkedInExpert”]

41. “The main reason content marketing fails is because it stops. Be consistent.” – Joe Pulizzi

[Tweet “”The main reason #contentmarketing fails is because it stops. Be consistent.” – @JoePulizzi via @navneetsau”]

42. “Lead with a personal story. Give your audience a way to connect and show you’re a real person.” – Michael Hyatt

[Tweet “”Lead with a personal story. Give your audience a way to connect and show you’re a real person.” – @MichaelHyatt”]

43. “Twitter marketing in 4 words: Listen. Learn. Care. Serve.” – Laura Fitton

[Tweet “”Twitter marketing in 4 words: Listen. Learn. Care. Serve.” – @pistachio via @navneetsau #twittermarketing “]

44. “Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become.” – Ted Rubin

[Tweet “”Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become.” – @TedRubin”]

45. “Whoever generates the most trust online wins.” – Marcus Sheridan

[Tweet “”Whoever generates the most trust online wins.” – @thesaleslion via @navneetsau #onlinemarketing “]

46. “58% say original written content is the most important form of content, above video, visuals & audio.” – Michael Stelzner

[Tweet “”58% say original written content is the most important form of content, above video, visuals & audio.” – @Mike_Stelzner “]

47. “Test your Facebook marketing by measuring: frequency, timing, content type & length!” – Mari Smith

[Tweet “”Test your #Facebookmarketing by measuring: frequency, timing, content type & length!” – @MariSmith via @navneetsau”]

48. “True advocacy is born from culture, not technology or marketing.” – Jay Baer

[Tweet “”True advocacy is born from culture, not technology or marketing.” – @JayBaer via @navneetsau”]

49. “When finished writing a post, go back & add bullets, sub heads, spacing; eliminate long paragraphs or sentences.” – Michael Hyatt

[Tweet “”When finished writing a post, go back & add bullets, sub heads, spacing; eliminate long paragraphs or sentences.” – @MichaelHyatt”]

50. “Social media is not an end in itself. It’s just another tool to reach people.” – Simon Mainwaring

[Tweet “”Social media is not an end in itself. It’s just another tool to reach people.” – @simonmainwaring via @navneetsau #socialmedia”]

51. “Your role is to be an educator. Answer your customers’ questions, and they just might buy from you.” – Marcus Sheridan

[Tweet “”Your role is to be an educator. Answer your customers’ questions, and they just might buy from you.” – @thesaleslion via @navneetsau”]

52. “Social media policies will never be able to cure stupid.” – Nichole Kelly

[Tweet “”Social media policies will never be able to cure stupid.” – @nichole_kelly via @navneetsau #socialmedia “]

53. “If you’re going to use paid advertising, use it to build an audience. An audience never goes away.” – Brian Clark

[Tweet “”If you’re going to use paid advertising, use it to build an audience. An audience never goes away.” – @brianclark #socialmediamarketing”]


Social media can really grow your business, there is no doubt. Just focus on the right and ethical tactics and techniques to use social media for your business. It will worth your time and money both.

Which one is your favourite quote? Tell me your favourite one that influenced you.

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