How to Find Hidden Facebook Page Admin Request or Invitation

Do you face problem with admin request or invitation on Facebook page?

I have seen many people complaining about Facebook page admin request most probably in the case when they don’t get any notification about invitation by manager of a Facebook page.

How to Find Hidden Facebook Page Admin Request or Invitation

Recently, one of my Facebook friend (Vanessa Lewis) posted a query in Facebook group that insisted me to write this article. I had  provided the solution of the query on that occasion, but I would like to share my thoughts about it in this article. Below is the query asked by Vanessa Lewis in a Facebook group.

“Looking for help! A client has tried several times to add me as an admin to his page – using my email address registered with Facebook. Each time it comes up with the message that the request is pending, and that I need to accept the request – but I am not receiving any notifications or emails about this. Has anyone else had a similar problem, or do you know of another method we can try? Although I’m a fan of the page, the owner can’t find me in the ‘See Likes’ section on the admin panel.”

Eligibility for admin of Facebook page:

First of all, I want to clarify that neither you need to be a fan of that Facebook page nor friend of the person who is going to assign you admin role. Is that clear? But email address is mandatory in this case. Below are the examples that prove it. I took Nitish (my best buddy) for this experiment so first of all I removed him from my friend list. Sorry Nitish 😛

Facebook admin invitation tips

Facebook Tips

Now let’s do the experiment:

Here are two scenarios about admin request of Facebook page.

When you got a notification:

Suppose a manager of Facebook page invites you for admin role (content creator, moderator, advertiser etc) of his/her Facebook page and you got a notification about that but you can’t access that Facebook page until you accept the admin request by clicking on that notification. Below is the evidence.

Facebook Admin invitation

When you click on notification then you will land on where you will find an admin invitation that you need to accept to access the Facebook page.

Facebook marketing

Without notification:

Now here is the solution of the query asked by Vanessa Lewis. In this case, when you don’t get any notification that you are invited as an admin of a Facebook page, you just need to go and click on invites option and there you will find admin request that you were looking for.

Facebook marketing

Unfortunately, it is showing old interface in Nitish’s profile (above image), but now it has new interface as shown in the below image and admin invitations held under invites option.

Facebook marketing tips

Important Note:

When the person whom you are going to make admin and you both are Facebook friends then you just need to put the name while inviting for your Facebook page. In that case you will get a notification and you don’t need to accept the admin invitation.

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Happy Facebooking!!!

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