Facebook Ads Glossary

Facebook Ads Glossary: 60 Facebook Ad Terms Every Beginner Needs to Know

Are you just getting started with Facebook ads?

Are you overwhelmed with all those Facebook ads terms? You’re not alone.

Facebook Ads Glossary: 60 Facebook Ad Terms Every Beginner Needs to Know


Running Facebook ads can be a daunting task, especially for marketers who are just stepping into Facebook Advertising. Because it isn’t just the targeting that you need to perfect, there are terminologies and aspects of Facebook ads that need to well understood before setting up a campaign.

To make things easier, I created a Facebook ads glossary of 60 terms that will make the going much easier:

Ad account ID:

A unique ID number of the Facebook ad that groups all your advertising activities such as campaigns and billing.

Ad Account ID

Account Name:

This is the given to the advert account.

Ad Account Name

Ad Account:

Whatever activities you undertake under a particular account get grouped and become an ad account.

Ad ID:

A unique ID number of the advert you are viewing in reporting.

Advert Name:

Name of the advert you are viewing in reporting.

Advert Name

Advert Set Name:

Name you give to the advert set you view in reporting.

Advert Set Name

Advertising Policies:

Contains dos and don’ts for running Facebook ads.


Age range of the people you have reached after running a Facebook ad.

Age and Gender:

Age and gender of the people your Facebook ad has reached.

Amount Spent:

Estimated sum of money you have spent on the advert, campaign and advert set.

Amount Spent


Group of people who can potentially view your ad when you run it.

Audience Network:

Group of mobile app publishers who have been approved by Facebook to show ads in their apps.

Campaign ID:

This is the ID number of the ad campaign you view in reporting.

Campaign Name:

Name given to your Facebook campaign comprising adverts and advert sets.

Campaign Name

Clicks (All):

Total number of times your advert was clicked.


Depending upon the activity you have defined as a customer-completed action, this metric is calculated.

CPC (All):

Calculated by dividing the total amount spent divided by clicks (all)

Cost Per Page Engagement:

Calculated by dividing the total amount spent by page engagement.

Cost Per Page Like:

Calculated by dividing the total amount spent by page likes.

Cost Per Result:

This metric shows you how effectively you achieved your campaign objectives.

Cost per result

Cost Per Website Add to Cart:

Calculated by dividing the total amount spent spent by website adds to cart events.

Cost Per Website Conversion:

Average cost of each website action (all).

Cost Per Website Lead:

When the total amount spent on the ads is divided by website leads, that is called cost per website lead.

Cost Per Website Lead

Cost Per Website Lead (Facebook Pixel):

Divide the total amount spent on the advert to get cost per website lead.

Cost per Website Purchase:

Average cost of each purchase tracked by Facebook pixel.


It’s where people you’ve reached through the ad are located.

CPC (Cost per Link Click):

Average cost for each link click on the ad.

CPM (Cost per 1,000 Impressions):

Average cost for 1000 impressions.


CTR (All):

Average number of times people clicked saw the ad and did a click (all).


CTR (Link Click-Through Rate):

Average number of times people saw the ad and did a link click.

Daily Budget:

Amount you are willing to spend in a day for an ad.



Current status of the ad or campaign.



The date your campaign or ad is scheduled to end.


Average number of times a person viewed your ad.


Average number of times an ad was viewed.

Lead Generation:

Process of building interest in a product or service via filling contact forms.

Lifetime Budget:

Budget set aside to be spent over the entire life of an ad set.

Link Clicks:

Number of clicks on the ad link in an advert.

Lookalike Audiences:

Groups of people created by Facebook similar to the target audience.


Objective of a campaign.


Organic Leads:

Leads generated when someone sees an ad, tags his/her friend and then that friend converts on the lead form.

Page Engagement:

Number of actions took on a Facebook page.

Page Likes:

Likes received via adverts.

Partner Categories:

Targeting option to reach the right people via the ad.

Payment Methods:

Forms of payment for the ad.

People Taking Action:

Number of people who took an action via the ad.


Location where the ad was shown.

Potential Reach:

Monthly active group of people that match the target audience defined by you.


Number of people who saw the ad at least once.

Relevance Score:

A rating of 1-10 telling how your target audience responds to the ad.

Relevance Score


Documentation of important ad metrics.

Result Rate:

Percentage of results received out of ad views.


Number of times an ad completed the objective.

Targeted Audience:

Number of people your targeting can reach.


Process of defining audience for the ad.

Website Adds to Cart:

Number of add to basket events.

Website Add to Basket

Website Leads:

Number of lead events tracked by the FB pixel on the website.

Website Purchases:

Number of purchase events tracked by the FB pixel on the website.

Website Purchases

Website Purchases Conversion Value:

Total value of purchase (Facebook pixel) conversions.

Over to you

I hope the definitions will come in handy to you in the future. If there’s a term that you’d like to know more about, do drop a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer it all. Good luck!

Still have questions about Facebook Advertising or need help setting up your first ad?

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