How to Setup a Creative LinkedIn Profile

Do you use LinkedIn effectively How to Setup a Creative LinkedIn Profileas it should be?

How do you use this largest professional network to get potential clients?

In this article, I am going to share some essential tips that are very beneficial to make an effective and good looking LinkedIn profile.

Why LinkedIn Profile Must be Creative:

Your LinkedIn profile must be creative with all mandatory information that shows you are professional in your industry because no one would love to connect with an incomplete profile.
Below is the essential information that you need to have in your LinkedIn profile to make it more effective and trustworthy.

  • Use your original name (Avoid all capital letters & special characters).
  • Use keyword rich profession describing headline in your LinkedIn profile instead of CEO, directory and owner of a company because people doesn’t use these words while searching on LinkedIn
  • Show your previous employment history.
  • Update your contact information including email, phone and other social media networks.
  • Write a keyword rich summary about your profession.
  • Update your past and present work experience with job title and description.
  • Show your skills and expertise in which you are master.
  • Show your certifications, awards and other achievements (If have).
  • Update your academic education.

Besides this I have found an amazing infographic by Melonie Dodaro, about how to create a great looking LinkedIn profile to show your skills and specialization. Hope you will also find it helpful and informative.

LinkedIn Marketing

Inforgraphic by Top Dog Social Media


LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network that provides great opportunity to demonstrate your ability and talent than any other social media network. You can add your website link, YouTube video, Slideshare presentation and other work that you have done somewhere else. So I highly recommend you to use LinkedIn properly and grab these free opportunities to show your talent to get hired by people who are looking for your services.

What do you think? How do you work with your LinkedIn profile? Share your thoughts and opinions in comments below:

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